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Five on Friday

26 Jun

Here are my five favorite things from this past week:

1. Last Saturday after I got home from Hilton Head I went to Downs After Dark at Churchill Downs with some friends. For those of you that don’t know it was started a couple of years back and every summer they have night racing, usually six different Saturdays during the summer months. We had a lot of fun watching the horses!

20130627-095406.jpg20130627-095422.jpg2. I was so excited to get back and see the kids I nanny for after being away from them for a week. We had some fun in the sun playing outside in their new blow up pool!


(clearly it was sunny)

3. On Monday night a couple of my girlfriends and I went out for happy hour and pizza. It was so good catching up (plus you can’t beat beers for $1.99!!)!


4. Thursday night Scott came over and I made him dinner (I know, so domestic, right?) I made him a recipe I found on Pinterest a while back. To see the recipe go to one of my precious posts: Chicken Spaghetti Recipe

5. And the most exciting part is I leave to go back to Hilton Head today! I’m very excited to go there with Scott’s family and show them the place that has become my second home.

Happy Friday! =)

Summer has begun!

20 May
Summer has officially started! I kicked it off with UD’s annual “Dayton to Daytona” trip to Daytona Beach, Florida. It was a fun week with great weather and great friends. 

After I got back, my family celebrated mother’s day at my brother’s house. We grilled out and had a wonderful afternoon, relaxing on the deck and soaking up the beautiful sunshine. 

Since then I have enjoyed catching up with high school friends, spending time with Scott, and relaxing with my family.  I start nannying on Friday and have been taking advantage of the time I have off right now — making various pinterest-inspired crafts! My latest is below:
I am SO very excited to be back home in Louisville and can’t wait to see what the rest of summer has in store!

Life Update!

20 Mar
Life has been crazy busy lately, as usual! But it has been fantastic. I have absolutely LOVED student teaching this semester and can’t believe my last day is only five weeks away! 😦
My cooperating teachings have been phenomenal and have taught me so much. One of my favorite things that I implemented was this quick and easy version of an “exit slip”:
I put post-its on the students’ desks in the morning and at the end of class I have them write down what stuck with them from that day’s lesson. It is such a cute and easy way to see how much students actually comprehended. 
Aside from student teaching, I have also been on the job hunt! Being a teacher it’s somewhat difficult finding a job because schools don’t post openings until late spring.  I have been fortunate enough to have been in contact with some schools from home that already know open positions for next school year. I even have a job interview next Friday at one of the Catholic schools in Louisville! 🙂 AND we had a career fair today at UD where I interviewed with two school districts from Louisville. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and trying to stay proactive about completing on-line applications and keeping in contact with schools. I can’t believe the real world is quickly approaching but I couldn’t be more excited about it!
A couple of weekends ago my two best friends, Liz and Morgan, came to visit! I can’t wait until we are all living in the same city again!

And of course with senior year coming to a close, the roomies and I are trying to enjoy every second of our last year at Dayton. I have been so blessed living with these 6 amazing girls and know that we will keep in touch long after graduation. 

The wonderful St. Patty’s day was last Sunday and campus was a sea of green as usual! 

Now I’m just trying to get through this last week and a half before SPRING BREAK! I cannot wait for next Friday because my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and I are all going to Hilton Head!! I am so unbelievably excited for this much-needed vacation and quality time spent with family. 
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Butler, Party of 4

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Finding happiness in the little things =)

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Finding happiness in the little things =)